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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia

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  • manu chao
    Apr 27, 08:53 AM
    No it isn't. They say they are not logging your location. This is correct. If it were incorrect, they would be keeping a database of your phone's exact GPS location. Instead, as they state, they are keeping a cache of the cell towers and wifi hotspots in order to aid the A-GPS system. So, no, they are not logging your (and by your, I mean an identifiable log) exact locations and beaming it home to watch you like big brother.

    They are instructing your iPhone to log your approximate location. And I am sure anybody in this thread (ie, those really knowing about the details) knows the difference between 'Apple is logging your location on its servers' and 'Apple is instructing your iPhone to log your location on your iPhone and computer'.

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Hayden Panettiere and Milo
  • Hayden Panettiere and Milo

  • coyote
    Mar 31, 02:49 PM
    This wont end androids openness. It will make is so that there is more of a consistent experience amung all android devices.

    Oh, then I can take the Honeycomb source code and do whatever I want with it?

    Oh, wait, I can't? Then how doesn't this make Android 'closed source'?

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Hayden said, “There#39;s many
  • Hayden said, “There#39;s many

  • mcrain
    Apr 27, 02:55 PM
    Oh- and you're always objective. You are arguably one of the most abrasive and biased people here, and proud of it.

    BTW- just opened the same file- no layers. So you tell me what I'm missing here.

    Wait until he tells us which right-wing fringe website he was on so you can go read the instructions and try to recreate this silly pointless endeavor.

    (edit) Whack-a-doodle website with Illustrator instructions (http://www.nkyvoice.com/2011/04/long-form-birth-certificate.html). Is this it Fivepoint?

    Or is it this other nutty site (http://www.patrioticdissent.net/2011/04/obama-long-form-birth-certificate-fake.html)?

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  • jon1987
    Apr 25, 01:53 PM
    So as far I can make out, the information is only stored on the users iOS device and computer. So not a big deal really. I know people are saying someone could steal your phone and access the information, but surely they could also then access every piece of personal information the user put on there?

    Then again I'm from the uk, I'm recorded by CCTV on every street corner, so perhaps im used to it?:p

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Tags: Hayden Panettiere, Milo
  • Tags: Hayden Panettiere, Milo

  • gnasher729
    Jul 27, 05:37 PM
    This is a positively thoughtless remark. No one's cheering the MHz myth on, in fact, Intel itself has abandoned the concept. Until the 3Ghz woodies get dropped in a MacPro, the 2.7 GHZ G5 will still be the fastest chip ever put in a Macintosh.

    Assuming that you are talking about clock speed, there have been Macs running at over 3 GHz, just not for sale to the public. The Intel machines that were shipped to developers after WWDC 2005 had 3.4 GHz Pentium IVs.

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Milo Ventimiglia Filming
  • Milo Ventimiglia Filming

  • Object-X
    Sep 19, 12:31 AM
    1. It's Merom. Not Memrom, Menron, Memron or even L. Ron.

    You forgot Mormon.

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Hayden Panettiere and Milo
  • Hayden Panettiere and Milo

  • jettredmont
    Apr 10, 05:26 PM
    Interesting news, but the bit about booting competitors is downright disgusting.

    Umm, it's a Final Cut Users' Group, not an Avid user's group. I think they are a little more interested in the next big step in Fincal Cut Pro, moreso than what Avid and Adobe are doing. Apple demanded all stage time, because they have a lot to cover, and want the rest of the meet available to talk about what they demo. Seems completely kosher to me.

    Now, if this was Apple going to something like NAB and telling them to boot out all their non-Apple demos, that would be different. But while this is at NAB, it is quite specifically the group of self-identified folks who care more about FCP than anything else. So no big deal.

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Milo Ventimiglia and Hayden
  • Milo Ventimiglia and Hayden

  • BC2009
    Mar 22, 07:07 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Ummm.... why does every product have to be an "Apple iDevice Killer"? None have succeeded that yet, though many have been successful as competitors. The Apple jealousy factor is so huge.

    Meanwhile, Apple is drowning in orders and battling light leaks (http://www.electronista.com/articles/11/03/22/buyers.complain.of.multiple.faulty.replacements/) in displays. If the quality cannot be improved expeditiously, would-be customers may investigate the competition. :(

    Drowning in orders is a problem? Trying to imagine that. If they sell 2M iPad 2's in March that would be double what they did last year with their runaway success.

    I don't think they are drowning in "light leaks". Mine is fine, and I'm sure most units are. Many many LCDs leak some light on the edge. Certainly the video I saw of this on one particular iPad 2 was extremely pronounced, but I have owned many LCD monitors that leak light to some degree. The outcry is likely because there aren't that many units out there right now so folks are afraid to return it and be without it while waiting for an exchange.

    Anyway, I hope the competition flourishes. Sure Apple is innovating fast and furious right now, but that's because they want to own this market for a long time to come. I don't want them to dominate it so much that they become complacent (though I hope they will have learned from their past in that regard). Just because I prefer to use iPad doesn't mean I think everybody must and should -- to each his own. Obviously I think the iPad is better than the competition, so I bought one. Somebody else's choice to buy a different tablet won't validate or invalidate my choice of an iPad in any way.

    I'm cheering for Apple to produce better products that I am excited to own, but this is not a sporting competition where only one team can win. Eventually there will be 2 to 4 leaders in the tablet space. Samsung and RIM are both trying to ensure their place as one of those leaders (and so is Motorola). I would venture to say that none of them are thinking that they will "kill the iPad" which defined the market they are trying to compete in, but rather each of them wants to be the leading "other option" to an iPad and capture a good chunk of the growing tablet market.

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Milo Ventimiglia and Hayden
  • Milo Ventimiglia and Hayden

  • mactoday
    Apr 6, 11:08 AM
    eh, I don't see how it's significant for anything other than aesthetic purposes. If you're working in the dark the display itself is going to provide enough illumination as it is. Just seems like a waste.
    Well, I work on my MacBook Pro now in bed and it's a pleasure to type on the back light keyboard. You reduce brightness of the display when you work in the dark conditions, I do. So, it's not enough to see the keys, but I don't much care about it, because I could type without looking on the keys, but most of the Apple customers who buys Air's can't type blind.

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  • Hayden Panettiere | Heroes

  • LegendKillerUK
    Apr 11, 01:01 PM
    I don't understand - you can't "add" 3GS, because 3GS is not a data network. 2G and 3G is� the S in the iPhone 3Gs simply stood for "speed", because it was faster than the iPhone 3G.

    "the 3GS also adds support for 7.2 Mbit/s HSDPA allowing faster downlink speeds"


    Technically he's right.

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Hayden Panettiere and Milo
  • Hayden Panettiere and Milo

  • hcho3
    Apr 19, 08:15 PM
    Samsung is the worst company with ideas. They just copied off apple on everything they make, period.

    Yes, their Nexus S phones have almost as same packaging as iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 packaging.

    Yes, their icons are so similar.
    Yes, their UI is very identical to Apple's iOS.
    Their new Samsung 9 series laptop has drop ports and original macbook air had this as well.

    Samsung just copies apple. Good to see apple is suing them. Love competitions, but apple spent money on investing, marketing and entering the market with the new design. Samsung? No. They just copied.

    They deserve to lose and they will lose in this trial.

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Milo and Hayden
  • Milo and Hayden

  • terkans
    Jul 20, 11:04 AM
    2nd generation intel Mac Pro...
    8 cores...
    2^3 = 8

    Mac Pro 2 Cubed

    [cue 'return of the cubes']

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Milo Ventimiglia and Hayden
  • Milo Ventimiglia and Hayden

  • MacRumors
    Sep 18, 11:00 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    AppleInsider expects that Apple will update its complete laptop line (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2060) (13" MacBook and 15/17" MacBook Pros) to Core 2 Duo "Merom" before the holiday shopping season starts in late November. According to the site, development has been completed and the launch is simply awaiting Apple's marketing team to "pull the trigger."

    MacShrine and MacOSXRumors expect the MacBook Pro to be updated (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060915171825.shtml) at Apple's September 25th event preceding Photokina. AppleInsider is unsure whether the updated MacBook will be unveiled at that event or be held off to ensure adequate supply of Intel's Core 2 Duo Merom chip.

    Many users have pointed to extended ship dates and delays for MacBooks as evidence of an impending update. While possible, the shipping delays may simply be due to a demand backlog which was noted (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=1896) in Apple's Q3 2006 conference call in July. At the time Apple stated they expected to reach a supply/demand balance by the end of September (the end of Apple's current fiscal quarter).

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. heroes, milo ventimiglia
  • heroes, milo ventimiglia

  • SactoGuy18
    Apr 8, 06:34 AM
    I think this whole mess comes down to this: there is a REAL shortage of the iPad 2, especially since Foxconn can no longer keep up with demand due to the ongoing situation in Japan with several Japanese suppliers incapable of supplying parts to Foxconn for the iPad 2. As such, Best Buy is taking advantage of this situation by deliberately holding back sales of the iPad 2, and Apple call them out on it. I would not be surprised that Apple ends up issuing a recall order to take back every iPad 2 from Best Buy and they end up being sold at Apple Stores instead.

    And you wonder why Microsoft is not willing to extend their Signature program of highly-optimized Windows 7 computers (Signature PC's aren't loaded with "trialware" l like normal retail PC's are) to Best Buy, even though such a computer would work extremely well for customers and would end up being huge best sellers for Best buy.

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Hayden Panettiere and Milo
  • Hayden Panettiere and Milo

  • BC2009
    Apr 6, 03:28 PM
    Nice...I'm glad to have a more rare piece of hardware. I love mine and have no issues, it'll only get better over time.Reminds me of the days of the RAZR, that's what the iPhone and iPad have become.

    Honda sells a TON more cars than BMW by a huge factor...I'd rather drive a BMW, I guess you're all happy with the Hondas :)

    I think its funny that when Google gains the edge in the smartphone marketshare battle the fandroids declare victory, but somehow the Xoom is the "BMW" of tablets when its marketshare sucks.

    Xoom is NOT a terrible product, but to be called the BMW of tablets would require that it is better than the iPad. This is more like Hondas and Hyundais. Android tablets are currently the Hyundais -- trying to copy the Hondas as closely as possible (Hyundai's name is close to Honda and so is there logo, and so are most of their car styles). However, what you find is that the Hyundai while it may be priced comparably and has comparable technical specifications that it is really not built as well.

    However, on the smartphone side, your analogy does in fact hold very well. Android is on high-end phones as well as the cheap freebies the carriers are giving away. There are variants of Android being used on devices that Google has no control over and behave in a far more inferior manner than regular Android phones, but are counted among the Android numbers. Android is the Chevrolet of the smartphone market (selling everything from Corvettes to Aveos) while Apple's sells only to the premier customers. People don't buy iPhone because they could not get an Android phone, but they do buy an Android phone because they could not get an iPhone for the price they wanted it. iPhone is the one that is more highly desired, though folks will settle for an Android phone because its cheaper to acquire and more widely available -- just like a Chevrolet.

    Apple creates premier products. With the iPad, they were the first of such premier products and they are experiencing what Henry Ford experienced with the Model-T. Five years from now there will be a fleet of competitors that are as good or even better, but right now iPad is the standard and the competition is basically trying their best to copy or anticipate Apple's next move.

    Ironically, the one area that Xoom got higher marks than iPad on Consumer Reports was "Versatility". This was because they had a Micro SD slot. I think its funny that a non-functioning Micro-SD slot is better than a $30 camera kit that includes two adapters that actually makes for a functioning SD-card connection or USB connection. I can connect SD cards to my iPad-2 all day long with my adapter. I also have a USB port via an adapter, HDMI, VGA, Composite Video, and Component Video. Sure it requires adapters, but at least I have the options -- they are all there. I also have better options at my disposal and only resort to wired connections when I have to (AirPlay >> HDMI -- wireless transfer >> SD card).

    In summary.... Xoom good, iPad better (both iPad 1 and definitely iPad 2). Even the idiots at Consumer Reports can figure out that the Xoom is only as good as the comparable iPad 1 (which costs far less).

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Hayden and Milo
  • Hayden and Milo

  • walterwhite
    Apr 25, 01:54 PM
    Lawyers never seem to see or feel the Karma stick for nonsensical and litigious lawsuits that just end up effecting the rest of us... that do our best to be good human beings.

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Milo Ventimiglia, Hayden
  • Milo Ventimiglia, Hayden

  • yoak
    Apr 12, 04:18 AM
    The insufficient content shouldn't pop up at random, or there is a bug. It pops up when there is insufficient content for a transition. Some transitions like crossfade are centered at the end/starting point of a clip. So it expands past/before this point, hence the need of additional content in the file.

    I didn't know about that multicore issue with Compressor when launched directly from the timeline. I suspect an issue with your setup. Compressor does make good use of my 4 cores on mpeg2 and I never set up Qmaster.

    What Mac are you using?
    When I installed FSC3 I had to set up Qmaster to make Compressor use all my cores. It was not easy to make it work, but that was due to the bug that don�t allow you to send directly from FC. This is what took me a while to find out.
    We still had some problems making a new Mac Pro making use of all it�s core just this winter.

    Have you checked your BAtch Monitor to make sure Compressor really splits up the file and spread it out over all your cores?

    For the content bug, I�m not sure it�s a bug. I do know that it comes up when a file is too short for dissolve etc, but sometimes I can�t figure out why it comes up. Could still be my own fault, maybe I presumed it was a bug too easily

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. Milo Ventimiglia Actosr Milo
  • Milo Ventimiglia Actosr Milo

  • Hellhammer
    Dec 5, 03:30 AM
    hahe same here.. though i was close on the first alfa and rally challenge but the ferrari one: 1st corner you are first place and then you can just finish the race 'safe' but the lambo one... what a PITA .. it even spined out on me in a fast corner just because i went off the throttle slightly
    i already took a mental note to avoid _that_ lambo for the challenge

    Come on, Lambos are the best! :p It just requires some learning and tuning of the breaks. Love my 841hp Murcielago ;)

    hayden panettiere milo ventimiglia. In: Hayden Panettiere, Milo
  • In: Hayden Panettiere, Milo

  • z4n3
    Apr 6, 03:36 AM
    I hope that the new FCP will resemble iMovie: No need for rendering and a precision editor! I like the ease of use of iMovie, should be adopted by FCP.

    Hell will freeze over before this will happen! and I for one will go out and buy a copy of AVID the same day! :p

    Chris Bangle
    Aug 11, 12:55 PM

    This is an interesting take from my 2nd favorite magazine. Nokia and apple.. I just think nokia are launching an music downlaod service but see what T3 say... (1st favortie is Top Gear.)

    Apr 5, 10:59 PM
    sorry but that's not the case. While some contend it's jaw-dropping, that's only because they're stacking it up against what FCS is currently.


    While some may find the new FCS exciting, and it does have some bells and whistles, it's typical Apple doing an incremental bump to keep up with what others are doing. Sad really.

    Which 'new FCS' are you speaking about? Are you referring to the version that will allegedly be released at NAB? If so, how did you see it? You must be important!

    Aug 26, 04:48 PM
    You're screwing up, intel. We don't want 300 trillion transistors on a 1 nm die. We want longer battery life. Idiots.

    But there's no die size change here....

    and doesn't transitioning to a smaller process usually mean improvements in that department anyways?

    Next die change is the 45nm Intel Core Microarchitecture "Penryn" core for mobile- mid-2007 or thereabouts.

    Aug 26, 02:54 PM
    Let's make it clear. The first revision of any highly integrated system is produced with an acceptable failure rate. With results coming in, failures recorded and internal testing continuous between the life of the first and second revision you will see a drop in failures in the next revision.

    Every item that is in the next revision will have been tested, more flaws removed, etc. No piece of hardware is released with zero defects. [human interference aside such as dropping the product, overheating it, intentionally forcing failure]

    If for every 1000 systems shipped approximately 20 fail, after a minimum predicted total hours, this 2% attrition rate is highly desirable. If you can't accept it you can stop using technology, now.

    For every ten people bitching on this board about failures there is over 1,000 that don't.

    That's exactly what I wanted to say...there are 10 whiners in this MR board that make a lot of noise, compared to 1,000,000 out there that don't...so we always have the impression that Apple is faltering, which is totally nonsense.

    What matter are the independent reports and the statistical data that show, continuously, how Apple leads the pack in terms of support, reliability and MTBF; the rest is anecdotal evidence.

    It's not only about industrial quality, which often depends on outsourced companies, overseas workers and contractual enforcement. It's also about giving the support a customer needs...and Apple is second to none in that.

    Nov 30, 07:15 AM
    I havent gotten to them yet, but i've heard they are just as awesome as GT3's endurance races.

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