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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

IP cartoon in need of explanation or repair, please!

At risk of appearing to have no sense of humour at all -- and felines are not noted for this particular attribute -- tytoc collie reproduces here another cartoon sequence which, his instincts tell him, may have been intended to be funny.  Alas, he can't see the joke.  tytoc collie would welcome an explanation, or perhaps a deep analysis of what it is that the author seeks to tell us about the position of IP and the world in which we live.

Merpel has a better idea: why not ask readers to supply a dialogue in place of the text encapsulated in the speech balloons which (i) is truly funny and (ii) makes better sense to intellectual property enthusiasts?

POSTSCRIPT: it now appears that the car in the cartoon depicts that employed in the Hanna & Barbera "Flintstones" cartoon.  tytoc collie had not picked up this allusion and thanks those readers who have pointed this out to him.

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